Lets Yarn about Stolen Art Blog by Koori Threads

Our Journey

This is my journey, one about challenge and ability after my first year in business as a new Aboriginal designer, with nothing more than a Dream.

Where being different becomes your strength, and your ability helps you to challenge all the things you think you can't.

So here we are, one year on, now starting to make our own garments on Country, and why, because I honestly didn't think I could, I thought I would fail.

With so much to learn knowing my biggest challenges were having no money, no knowledge and no way to start making my designs on country.

But I started because of that, because there has to be ways, we can build each other up, show our Kids, our mob with all ability that we can.

And yep my sisters, I did, I worked hard to bring that printer to Australia, I wanted to find a way of taking care of country, of bringing technology here that we haven't seen before, or even if we could find someone with a printer like this, its so expensive, a printer that has the ability to do so much, and keep our money on country, to me that's priceless.

So, for My Brothers and Sisters out there who are Deadly like me because we think differently, it can be done, we just need to start somewhere, and keep going, together we are stronger






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