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Black and White Womens Handbag by Koori Threads

Black and White Womens Handbag by Koori Threads

Regular price $65.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 AUD
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How lovely is this little Black and White Womens Handbag by Koori Threads made from high-grade, canvas tarpaulin, which is water resistant and best of all, can be easily wiped over to keep it clean. 

This is the story of a young boy, who was taken far away, taken from state to state, taken from his families, from men he did not know, men of different color, many of them, coming from every way, they can be seen in the white, surrounding our families

And them white fullas, they made that boy travel, they took him here, then took him there, they told him to hurry now and don't be so slow, and they told him to walk, and  told him that soon they could stop, they would stop at each black circle, that he would stay there with another family, all different, them fullas they all had a different way

That boy he did learn that some were big and mean, some he would never see, or they would never see him, some yelled, some smiled, some kind, some caring, but they were not his family. They had their own families, their own ways which can be seen by all the different markings

His family, can be seen waiting, calling for the boy, waiting for their boy to come home to country, and as they wait, they can be found waiting on country in the big circle, with 7 dots, his Nan, his Pop, his Mum His dad, his brother and sister, and the young boy can be seen returning home sitting by himself, as he had been removed

And just as he sits at the front, he will sit with his families again, but for now, he must remember, that he is still our Warrior & it is always black and white, there are just two sides to the story, theirs, & ours!

【Type】Made of high-grade canvas tarpaulin, 10.8"(L) x 4.13"(W) x 7.87"(H)



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